Recommended WordPress Plugins

We maintain this list of plugins for our own reference and install and maintain them on our client sites as part of our Managed WordPress Web Hosting, and also our Managed Web Hosting for SEO.  You should consider this the most valuable list of Recommended WordPress Plugins you will find.  Check back often for updates or subscribe.

Premium Plugin Authors We Recommend

Recommended Premium WordPress Plugins

Recommended Free WordPress Plugins

Other plugins we use but that are specific to different situations:


The rest of the plugins on this page are not necessarily recommended but worth noting for their potential use.  It is by no means exhaustive – just a few we found noteworthy during research and may come back to try or use as ideas for our own…

Other Articles Listing Good WordPress Plugins:

Plugins We Have Not Yet Tried But Seem Promising

Site Speed & Size Optimization

Mobile Plugins

SEO Tools or Plugins

Easy Styles

Widget, Sidebar & Plugin Plugins

Login, Registration & Admin Addons


Events Calendars

Membership Plugins