Your All In One Web Design, Management & Marketing Solution
Are you a leader in your industry or region? Are you tired of shopping for web solutions and trying marketing companies out only to be significantly let down? Our team has the expertise and experience to design, implement & refine the best custom solutions for your company, using tried-and-true, effective, best-of-breed methodology, that will accelerate your growth and bolster your brand so that your company is seen as the leader it is. When you sign with us, you cement success in your future.
Your New Website & Marketing Technology Platform
A quality solution is comprised of all quality components. The right cloud web hosting is mandatory. WordPress has emerged as the best website platform, while Google is the gorilla of search marketing. Custom graphics, professional photos, videos, PDFs, print marketing, landing pages and consistent emails are necessary for any company to be taken serious as a leader. Quality content is the key ingredient for your clients to believe what you are showing them. Being seen and reaching your audience is a must if you are going to take the time to brand yourself effectively. Measuring success is a matter of analytics, while call tracking is a mandatory component of conversion tracking – which is your answer to how well is this working. Our solution embodies the best technology at every step.
What do you get?
Our Managed Web Services Provide:
- Consultation
- Planning
- Website
- Videos
- Photos
- PDFs
- Articles
- Emails
- Ads
- Maps
- Metrics
- Leads
- Calls
- Way More
What do you do?
Succeed. Our solution is tailored to meet your business’ unique needs, and present its unique solutions, products & services to the world. If you have events every month, those are featured on your blog. If you provide continuing education then your website is built on a powerful hosted video solution. If you are B2B then our marketing approach will be to get you visibility where business owners are looking, a retail business will target as many eyeballs as possible with targeted relevance. Custom online forms can make it easier for your clients and prospects and custom graphics on every page demonstrate how unique you are…. and the list goes on.
Managed Web Services Inquiry
Basic Essentials
Requirements for Online Success- Start Here. If you don’t have everything on this list perfectly handled, you need our help.
- Total Hours per Month: 15
- Remote Consulting
- Project Management
- Full Marketing Plan
- Login Management
- Domain Management
- Website Hosting
- Web Hosting Management
- Website Management
- Unlimited Website Fixes
- Custom Graphic Design
- Core Content Basics
- Google Maps Management
- Google Analytics & Webmaster Tools
- YouTube Management
- Social Media Posting
- AdRoll Retargeting
Essentials Plus
Evolve to Industry or Local Leader- After we’ve plowed through the basics we can progress to full-service, advanced marketing.
- Total Hours per Month: 30
- Basic Essentials Items +
- Bimonthly Team Meetings
- Zoho or Google Apps Management
- Marketing Software w / Reporting
- Rank Tracking
- SEO Service
- Call & Conversion Tracking
- Landing Page & Funnel Design
- Expanded Core Content
- Genius AdWords Account
- Advanced AdRoll Retargeting
- Multi-Location Google Maps
- Blog & Email Marketing Campaign
- Advanced Social Media
- Custom Website Development
- Video Production
Automation & Custom Endeavors- We’ll make you the local or industry leader online, then we execute game-changing strategies.
- Essentials Plus Items +
- In-Office Collaboration
- Custom Projects
- Team Management
- Marketing Automation
- Business Automation
- eCommerce
- Website Applications & Testing
- Software Development & Testing
- Appliance Software & Testing
- CRM & Application Architecture
- AdWords Display Campaigns
- IT Oversight & Management
- Cloud Data Architecture
- Product Management
- White Papers & Distribution
- Book Writing & Publication
- Link Building Campaigns
Managed Web Services Pricing
Have you hired in house marketers for less than $3k per month? What was the result? For less than the cost of one employee, our Essentials Plus Managed Web Services bring a team of 15+ people into your company, all with experience & processes that result in extraordinary success. When you want to look your best, hire the best.
Managed Web Solutions
Our solution is simple – we do it for you. We design it, we write it, we deploy it, we manage it, we measure it, we upgrade it… and on and on and on. You become more successful, seeing your own marketing in action, receiving leads and reports. Your brand grows in strength and your visibility increases every month. As you achieve more and more success, your website is tailored to incorporate your growing knowledge and your happy client’s testimonials, so by year’s end your success begins to multiply again.
NWeSource Managed Web Services – Getting it Done Right.